AI: A Game-Changing Tool for Creative Professionals Who Embrace Innovation
AI: A Game-Changing Tool for Creative Professionals Who Embrace Innovation Fellow creators, AI is a game-changer in our creative toolbox. It helps us explore new realms, saves us time on mundane tasks, and sparks fresh ideas that can captivate our audiences. But...
Audio Podcasts, Making Them a Part of Your Brand
Did you know that it takes only 0.146 seconds for a human being to interpret a sound? Or that streaming audio has grown 64% since 2014? Or that there is at least one smart speaker in 41% of US households ?
Stock Icons Are Not Your Brand
Icons have become popular with companies everywhere to be a quick visual reference to help customers, prospects and others to find their way around websites, documents and other communications.
Hues You Can Use
A corporate color palette refers to the set of colors that a company uses for its branding and marketing materials. Most companies choose a distinct and consistent color palette to enhance their brand recognition and make their products and services easily recognizable.
Back to the Basics of Business
When asked about his secret for success, Lee Iacocca – the American automobile executive and former CEO of Chrysler Corporation – is often credited with saying, “I open all my mail and I return all my phone calls. The rest is luck.”
Let’s Get Moving
Colorful and kinetic, animations have become a popular way to explain complex concepts and ideas to a broad audience. From explainer videos to educational materials, animations can make learning more engaging and accessible. Here are some reasons why.
Lights, Camera, Action!
Video has become one of the most effective forms of advertising on social media. Through platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, videos have become the go-to method for marketers to reach their target audience. Let’s look at a few…
It’s a Team Sport
It’s a Team Sport Recently, at a student portfolio review, someone asked the panel of design professionals what they look for when they hire for their companies. There were several answers — a portfolio of great work, problem solving skills, experience, presentation....
The First is for the Dog
The First Is for the dog! I’m not a great cook, but I do like to try. One of the things I enjoy making most is crepes. Years ago, French friends made them for our oldest son when he stayed for supper one evening. I decided after that to learn how to make them and, on...
Best Length for Online Videos
Best Length for Online Video Video dominates the web. It’s a great way for companies and individuals to make strong impressions and tell their stories. And it’s such a robust medium with its motion and audio and visual effects that companies want to say as much as...